– How do you feel as successful business personality ?
I feel that I am just a woman doing business, it’s too early to call as a successful business woman. Maybe because of rough life in the past, I have to try hard and gained more experiences than others who start-up a business at the same age. I always feel that I have to try harder because I still have many targets that need to be met. – What is the secret behind your success? With just a few achievements that I have until now, the secret behind is that I never give up. Whatever I want, I always try to get it and no obstacle can stop me.
– Why did you choose business as your Profession ?
From the beginning for me business was just a means to survive. I studied Economic Law and had been thinking that being a lawyer would be my whole life profession. But I realized that I have experienced many interesting challenges when doing business, and I like that kind of experiences, hence I decided to stay with business as a profession.
– Behind your success you may have faced various obstacles in your progress, how do you cope with those obstacles ?
Obstacles are a part of life, I’m always ready to face and overcome them. At my age, many people think that I am too young for them to trust and I have had to try harder many times to overcome those unfair judgments, preconceptions, even rumours. I have been thinking sometimes that I have to show the proof to others about my abilities, but now I am used to how to keep calm when facing all problems. I live the life for myself, I try very hard in work and it’s not necessary to show that proof to anyone.
– What differences did you find in the behaviour of society to you as normal Tue Nghi and as successful business women Tue Nghi ?
Normally, I’m a humorous and romantic person. I love writing books, and one of the books has been published, and it will be made into a movie. I like drinking afternoon tea, noisy and crowded places are not suitable for me. In business, I am a bit different, I’m very decisive and a stronger character.
– Do you have any inspirational business person that influences you ?
I admire very much a woman politician, Madam Hillary Clinton. I like those women who are smart, powerful, have a warm heart and a glacial mind. They’re very beautiful, a beauty of power and intelligence.
– Is it easy for everyone to achieve success like you ?
I don’t think the point is about easy or difficult, but the most important thing is that you want to achieve it or not. If you really want to, nothing can stop you. All obstacles are just challenges to help your success become more meaningful.
– What advice do you have for youth who are interested in making their career in the business sector ?
The same way that I have advised the youth of my country, business is never easy, this life is not either. The important thing is that when you choose business to be your profession, you should not be afraid to start up with something small. Let the dream build from the root, not from the top. However if you only have dream, that is not enough. You have to put your hands down and take action seriously to make your dream come true, then you will get what you deserve.
– What kind of contribution have you made in your society ?
Beside some charity activities, helping children and unfortunate women, I always try to use my little voice and effort to give inspiration and passion to the youth; let them see that a little woman like me dares to live, dares to do what I’ve dreamed, why don’t they?
– And last, do you have anything else to say to Nepal Parikrama Fortnightly ?
I would like to give special thanks to Nepal Parikrama Fortnightly for this interview. I hope that it will bring a little inspiration to the youth and women of your country.